Pink Finance  – Is Sponsored By Compass Mortgage & Insurance 

Pink Finance is the UK’s leading LGBT Finance Magazine with articles, features and news blogs about Life Assurance and Mortgages.

Compass – Links & Websites 

The UK’s Leading Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) Mortgage & Insurance Provider –We have several main areas of business which are detailed in the web links below. 

Gay Insurance, Gay Mortgages, HIV Insurance, HIV Mortgages

The  UK’s leading experts at arranging Mortgages and Life Insurance for LGBT clients and also for people living with HIV.

Compass – Friends & Partners

NAM Aidsmap – Compass’s nominated HIV Charity Partner

NAM works to change lives by sharing information about HIV and AIDS.

They believe that, wherever you are in the world, having independent, clear and accurate information is vital in the fight against HIV and AIDS. It enables individuals and communities affected by HIV to protect themselves, care for others, advocate for better services and challenge stigma and discrimination.

They produce useful information that you can trust, and make sure it is there for anyone who needs it.

Baseline Magazine – The Leading UK HIV & Hepatitis Magazine

BASELINE is a community magazine for people living with or affected by HIV & Hepatitis.

They have regular positive writers who contribute their own personal experiences, topical news from UK to global. There are pages of treatment information covering current and future medications, lifestyle, diet and psychological support. They aim to give essential information and support to everyone affected by HIV in the UK.

Compass – Useful Gay Web Links 

So So Gay – LGBT UK Lifestyle Magazine 

So So Gay is the most popular and fastest-growing online LGBT lifestyle magazine in the UK. SSG aims to talk about things that really matter to gay people throughout the UK, and to publish original work by some of the UK’s best up-and-coming LGBT writers every day of the week.

Gay Star News – Global LGBT News Website

Gay Star News: the world’s first LGBT news, entertainment and travel site, updated 24-7. If you want the latest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, news, entertainment, and travel content then Gay Star News (GSN) is for you. GSN has an international team dedicated to quality journalism.

Pink News – UK LGBT News Website

PinkNews covers religion, politics, entertainment, finance, and community news for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community in the UK and worldwide. Founded to produce broadsheet quality journalism for the LGBT community, we cover politics to theology in an intelligent manner.

Compass – Charity Web Links 

Stonewall – The Leading Lesbian, Gay and Bi Sexual Charity

Stonewall is renowned for its campaigning and lobbying.  Some major successes include helping achieve the equalisation of the age of consent, lifting the ban on lesbians and gay men serving in the military, securing legislation allowing same-sex couples to adopt and the repeal of Section 28.

The Lesbian and Gay Foundation

The Lesbian & Gay Foundation is a vibrant charity with a wide portfolio of well-established services and a rapidly developing range of new initiatives aimed at meeting the needs of lesbian, gay and bisexual people. They campaign for a fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay and bisexual people can achieve their full potential, and their mission is‘Ending Homophobia, Empowering People.’

LGBT History Month – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans History Month 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History Month celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community. LGBT HM is celebrated in February in the UK but their work to challenge homophobia, biphobia and transphobia continues throughout the year. Education is especially important to achieving this so much of their work focuses on schools.

London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard –  Calm Words When You Need Them Most

London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard is a voluntary organisation with charitable status, whose aim is to provide an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people and anyone who needs to consider issues around their sexuality.

Their values ensure that their services promote a positive attitude to being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and are: -confidential, welcoming, supportive and non-judgmental.

London Friend – LGB&T Health & Wellbeing

Established in 1972 London Friend is the UK’s oldest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans charity. They are here to support the health and mental well-being of the LGB&T community in and around London.

They offer counselling and support around issues such as same-sex relationships, sexual and gender identity and promoting personal growth and self-confidence. They are also home to Antidote – the UK’s only LGB&T drug and alcohol service. Their social groups provide a safe space to meet and socialise as an alternative to the bar and club scene.


  • About Us

    Pink Finance was first launched in the year 2000, as the UK’s first gay finance magazine. Over the years we have covered many discrimination issues affecting gay, lesbian, bi sexual and transsexual people.

    Our articles cover issues such as Gay Life Assurance, Gay Life Insurance, Gay Mortgages, Gay Income Protection, Gay Critical Illness Cover, HIV Life Assurance, HIV Life Insurance and HIV Mortgages.

    We also include feature articles on planning Life Assurance and Mortgages for LGBT and Alternative Families, along with articles with subjects such as Pensions and Investments for LGBT people.

    Our editor, Chris Morgan was part of the consultation group that led to the introduction of HIV Life Assurance and HIV Life Insurance for people living with HIV.

    He was a consultant to the Association of British Insurers for over five years and served on their HIV Insurance Working Group.

    Chris has recently rejoined the ABI working group, assisting them with their latest Best Practice guidelines and agreeing to write a new HIV and Insurance consumer guide.

    Our sponsors Compass have a long history of supporting worthy causes within the gay and HIV communities. Currently they are supporting NAM AIDSMAP who work to change lives by sharing information about HIV and AIDS.

    They believe that, wherever you are in the world, having independent, clear and accurate information is vital in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

    Compass Mortgage & Insurance Services is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.